The Remarkable Miss Darcy: The Final Interview

I’ve grown rather attached to the Darcy in The Meryton Mystery Series and his older brother, Tanner. Since the series’ finale went live this week, I invited them to my writing studio for one last chat.

So, guys, are you as sad as I am that the series is over?
(Tanner and Darcy exchange a look, and then burst into laughter.)

Tanner: Are you kidding? Now I can devote my time to my family and the inn without you sending me off to chase after another murderous lunatic.

Darcy: I’ve never slept better. You won’t hear me complaining.

Oh. I’ll admit that wasn’t quite the reaction I’d expected, but I’m happy you’re enjoying your Happily-Ever-Afters. They were hard-earned and well-deserved.
Would you like to tell readers what your favorite scene in the book was?

Darcy: The one with Ben and Nanny Kelly. You have no idea how difficult it was for me not to laugh aloud.

Me too! I always enjoy calling when the whole family is present. You are a lively bunch. However, it is not common for children to be present during social calls. How do you manage Society’s disapproval?

(Darcy gives me such a haughty look as to remind me with whom I’m speaking.)

Darcy: I care not for Society’s opinion. My family is more important to me than they could ever be.

Great answer. What about you, Tanner? Do you have a favorite scene?

Tanner: For me, it’s bittersweet, but I was never prouder of Georgiana than when she spoke with us in the study. It was then I knew she could stand on her own.

Darcy: Without us.

Tanner: (glares at Darcy) Don’t you start. I said I was proud of her, not that I was happy about her leaving us.

Darcy: Then why did you mention that scene? Isn’t breaking down doors and clobbering villains more to your liking? Why could you not choose the rescue scene

Tanner: You make me sound like a heartless brute.

Darcy: No, that’s her. (looks at me) Have you no heart? Did you really have to put us through all that turmoil?

(Now, this, I had expected.) Don’t you think Georgiana deserves her own happy ending? Besides, you gained another brother.

Darcy: (grumbles because while he wishes Georgiana would stay a little girl forever, he really does like Michael)

Tanner: We could not have let her go for a lesser man.

(At this point, I decide it best to change the topic.) Since you’ve been so generous as to share your favorite scenes, I’ll share mine. Since I can’t pick just one, I’ll share two. First is the one with the curtain.

Tanner: That one was nice, even you have to admit, Darcy.

Darcy: I shall never look at draperies the same.

(Ignoring his sarcasm, I continue.) Second is the whole peacock kerfuffle.

Darcy: Only Lydia could scheme such a thing. You know, she expects you to write a complete novel with her as the main heroine. Her sudden popularity has gone to her head.

Tanner: She will make the most of it. As she always does. And we will make the most of our retirement. If you’ll excuse us, we must get back to our families

(Darcy and Tanner rise to their feet, signaling the end of our discussion and leaving me to appreciate the strength of their family ties. They’re whole now, and I wish them all happy together… ever after.)

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